Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan Dolar Bersama Sponsored Reviews

AB | Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan Dolar Bersama Sponsored Reviews - Apa itu Sponsored Reviews? jawabannya adalah salah satu program Paid To Reviews. Sistem kerja Sponsored Reviews adalah kita akan mendapat bayaran dari pihak Sponsored Reviews apabila kita menulis review di blog kita. Sponsored Reviews adalah program Paid To Reviews yang paling mudah untuk blogger pemula yang ingin terjun di dunia Paid To Reviews terutama yang masih menggunakan blog gratisan. Syaratnya adalah jika umur blog kita minimal berumur 3 bulan dan ada trafik sedikit apapun, kemungkinan besar akan diterima.

Besarnya bayaran per review akan berbeda-beda antara blog berperingkat rendah dan blog berperingkat tinggi. Beberapa advertiser kadang hanya menginginkan review dari blog berperingkat tertentu, ada juga yang mau hanya direview oleh blog dengan kategori tertentu, atau review dengan nama domain blog tertentu. Namun pada umumnya semua blog bisa ambil bagian dalam penulisan review.

Sistem komisi yang dipakai Sponsored Reviews adalah berdasarkan prosentase 65:35. Maksudnya anda sebagai blogger akan menerima 65% dari nilai review sedangkan sisanya 35%lagi menjadi hak Sponsored Reviews selaku perantara alias broker. Jadi misalnya anda memperoleh job review senilai $100 dari nilai tersebut anda akan menerima $65 saja.

Komisi akan dibayarkan setiap 2 pekan sekali melalui Paypal, tidak ada nilai minimum yang harus dicapai untuk memperoleh komisi. Berapapun jumlah komisi yang anda kumpulkan selama satu periode tertentu akan dibayarkan meskipun hanya sebesar $3,25 (komisi terkecil). Besar kecilnya komisi tergantung pada anda. Semakin aktif anda berburu opportunity dan menggarap review maka semakin besar pula penghasilan anda dari Sponsored Reviews.

Berikut adalah semua yang perlu Anda ketahui untuk memulai:

  1. Daftarkan blog Anda (s) dengan Sponsored Reviews.Klik Banner dibawah ini Blog Advertising - Advertise on blogs with
  2. Setiap blog harus setidaknya tiga bulan, dengan setidaknya sepuluh tulisan dari isi yang sebenarnya.
  3. Setiap blog yang mendaftar perlu memiliki unik, konten yang tidak dibagi, dan review Anda posting harus dari ciptaan Anda sendiri, tidak disalin dari blog lain.
  4. Semua ulasan harus muncul pada halaman depan blog Anda hari Anda mengirimkannya kepada kami, dan tetap di sana selama paling sedikit 24 jam.
  5. Blog Anda harus diindeks di semua mesin pencari utama, termasuk Google.

Baca Mengenai Sponsored Reviews Berikut:
Get Paid to Blog with!
Earn hundreds, even thousands, per month!
Looking for a way to put your writing skills to work – and make some money for sharing your opinion? Then is looking for you!

We’re looking for people who are opinionated, honest and entertaining to write informative reviews of our advertisers’ products, services and websites – and post them on their blogs! Use your own writing style to write positive reviews or to provide constructive criticism. (However, any rude, hateful or potentially libelous reviews will be declined.)

Our advertisers are looking for honest opinions from real people like you – and they’re willing to pay to get them!

Earn as much as you’d like to write!
Currently, we have bloggers who make lots of extra cash every month by posting reviews for!

How much can you get paid to blog? We have scores of bloggers making an extra $50 a week – and hundreds more making hundreds of dollars!
That’s because we have a huge marketplace of advertisers looking for bloggers. Every type of website you can possibly imagine needs exposure. And they’re looking for good writers who are willing to talk about it, review it and spread the word about it! You literally have dozens of opportunities in every category! From cultural websites to technical gadgets to general interest sites, no matter what you like to write about, you can now make a lot of money doing it!

And get this: You choose the advertisers you want to write for!

You can afford to be picky!
With so many websites and subjects to choose from, you’ll be provided with a huge list of customers looking for exposure via blog reviews like yours. Do the research, check out their sites, and then blog about the ones that excite you the most! Then bid on any project you like.

The more you write, the more popular your blog will become!
As you know, the first rule of blogging is “Post Often.” If you blog every day or two, then people start to notice you. Your subscription rate goes up. And that drives high-quality search engine traffic to your site!

Advertisers can come to your blog two ways:
  1. List your blog in our marketplace of available reviewers! The advertisers will check your interests and the subjects covered by your blog, and they’ll literally come to you! Then, you have the option to accept or decline any review request.
  2. Search for advertisers directly! Our unique bidding system allows you to bid on jobs and negotiate your rates with advertisers. It’s a great way to maximize your earnings!

Here’s all you need to know to get started:
  1. Register your blog(s) with
  2. Each blog needs to be at least three months old, with at least ten posts of real content.
  3. Each blog you register needs to have unique, unshared content, and the reviews you post must be of your own creation, not copied from another blog.
  4. All reviews must appear on your blog homepage the day you submit it to us, and remain there for at least 24 hours.
  5. Your blog must be indexed on all of the major search engines, including Google.

Did we Mention that we Pay every 2 weeks via Paypal!
Itulah Tulisan mengenai Cara Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan Dolar Bersama Sponsored Reviews. Semoga Bermanfaat. Salam Blogger. Kumpulan Adsen Blogspot.

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